What is কাচ্চির আলু?
কাচ্চির আলু is the content that stands out from the crowd and goes viral!
Why should I contribute to Bengal Beats and
cook some mouthwatering কাচ্চির আলু?
At Bengal Beats, we believe that content is king and that 100% Bangladeshi
stories should be heard, shared, enjoyed and discussed. We constantly look
out for contributors who share our belief that good content deserves attention.
সোজা সাপ্টা বলতে গেলে your content will get the viral traction it deserves.
Are there any particular types of কাচ্চির আলু ?
No! Your কাচ্চির আলু could be anything….It could be an article, a list/listicle, a
meme or an artwork/illustration on Humor, Food, Travel, Lifestyle, Health, Quiz
and what not!
আরেহ জোস্স্, how can I contribute?
First you have to fill up a long form…..and our editors will look into…..বক বক
বক বক..!! নাহ, এত্ত কষ্ট করা লাগবেনা, Just post your কাচ্চির আলু in our public group
Kacchir Alu by Bengal Beats or drop us an email at hello@popnotchnetwork.com
to get featured in our website and facebook page.